

Believer Care Society was formed by Christian Believers with passion for Humanity, whose heart were to make a contribution to relieve suffering mankind rampaged by poverty, unemployment, sicknesses and diseases in the nation of South Africa. 

During the early days of post-apartheid regime, the nation was at its worst position with over 5,700,000 people estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS, and with new infections larger than in any other single country in the world. The first project of these Christian Believers was rendering home-based care support to those infected and suffering from the Pandemic. 

In the year 2009, Youth development initiatives were also introduced with the support of the Gauteng department of Social development, the reason was primarily to provide economic sustainability to the youth who have become disadvantaged, poor and vulnerable due to death of parents resulting from the onslaught of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and the apartheid government. 

Targeting the youth, they believe a new prosperous generation will emerge, young people who are risen with the fresh breeze of colonial freedom and democracy, people who are equipped to fulfill personal aspiration and national mandates. 

Today the organization has extended its sphere of reach and services incorporating programmes that ensures the holistic development of the youth, serving over 12000 beneficiaries per annum. 

Believers Care Society believes that Biblical Righteousness is the highest standard of moral wellbeing and therefore trains its youth to resolving social and life issues using Biblical principles and solutions. This is evident in the quality of character and faith that one attains by been a participant in its programme.

“The youth are the valued possession of the nation. Without them there can be no future. Their needs are immense and urgent. They are at the centre of our reconstruction and development plan” – Nelson Mandela 1994

We envisioned a positive community with efficient and effective developmental services that promote the wellbeing and development of young people so that the members of the said community may lead a purposeful fulfilled life.

To create, implement and facilitate sustainable developmental programmes within a community sector, whereby the delivery of such programmes would encourage individual and communal participation towards self-development, meeting of present needs, preparation and equipping of one-self for future prospect.

We are committed to render community services that promote the well-being of people, out of love and compassion as a service unto God, without discrimination.


PHONE: +27 11 434 4598 / +27 81 441 7758

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